Silver Lake Lodge, Deer Valley Resort, Park City, UT USA

The strike at Park City Mountain left a very sour taste in our mouths.  To see guests of the mountain show up without Vail Resorts notifying them of the impact this would have on their vacation. To watch people standing in hour long lift lines as their apps told them it would be minutes. For […]

Top of the Block, Burlington, VT USA

Burlington – how lucky we were to be visiting in mid June. Quiet, quaint, and quintessential New England. I loved it here. A breath of fresh air, literally and figuratively. Lunchtime at TTRA would require me sitting in front of a computer working, sadly. Rather than peruse the limited in room dining menu at the […]

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Wally’s Deli, Southwest Florida International Airport (MYR), Fort Myers, FL USA

A week in Naples was just what the doctor ordered. Our first weeklong trip in a year… it was hard to call a weeklong vacation, considering we worked the entire time, taking half of Thursday and half of Friday… But still, working all day and still being able to head to the beach in the […]

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Guy’s Sammich Joint, Burbank Airport, Burbank, CA USA

Some legends exist. Guy Fiery is legendary in my book. Not because he makes great food, but because no one eats like Guy. I’ve watched Guy dine at hundreds of locations on Diners Drive Ins and Dives – I’ve even visited a few of these based off of his recommendations. Savory and satisfying, sometimes I […]

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Sofitel Resort and Spa, Denarau Island, Fiji

The last time we spent a week on a tropical island was in Micronesia 8 years ago. Hard to believe, Rachel and I just aren’t the “relaxing vacation” type. But when it came to taking our “Babymoon” during the end of Rachel’s second trimester, the beach was calling, and it landed us on Fiji. A […]

Fresh Attractions, Charlotte Douglas Airport, Charlotte, NC USA

I’ve never been to Charlotte. I suppose I still haven’t. The airport was slammed the same day of the NBA All-Star game. The people here reminded me I was in America, and coming from Los Angeles, I really enjoyed the people watching. I got upgraded on my second leg to Florida, but I just couldn’t trust […]

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